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Loss of Arctic sea ice '70% man-made'

"Study finds only 30% of radical loss of summer sea ice is due to natural variability in Atlantic – and it will probably get worse"

Category: Climate Change


Greenland ice sheet melted at unprecedented rate during July

"Scientists at Nasa admitted they thought satellite readings were a mistake after images showed 97% surface melt over four days"

Category: Climate Change


Falkland Islands: Premier Oil plan leads UK and Argentina to new dispute

"Britain put itself on a collision course with Argentina over the disputed sovereignty of the Falkland Islands when it gave explicit support to a £600m plan to develop oil reserves in the south Atlantic on Wednesday."

Category: Energy sources


Global fight for natural resources 'has only just begun'

"Academics and business figures gave a grim warning at the Resource 2012 conference, but defended the Rio+20 outcomes _blank"


UK ranked most energy efficient of world's largest economies

"Study calculated each country's efforts to reduce energy use in industry, transport, and buildings as well as overall policies"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 181 to 185 out of 2977